2016年8月26日 星期五

Free association

Accidentally I put a paper on my work desk for writing down something work related.

Then, it became a place I write.

It's actually very familiar with me.

I used to put a lot of paper between the mat and my desk at school.

The time we still had a desk we belonged to.

I wrote a lot during classes.

Most of the times, it were organized lyrics written in different color.

Sometimes, it were just random words picked from my thoughts or the music in my head.

I just wanted to write all over the place on the paper.

Writings crossed over each other without an order or a pattern.

They are secret.

They used to be traditional Chinese but now English.

This habit was gone when I no longer had a place to put them at school.

Or when I did not feel safe enough, private enough to write.

Friends and classmates were seating close to me.

You got to respond to people right away when they paid attention to you, which was extreme disturbing.

And, I didn't do it at home.

